Client & Family

Alytx empowers you and your care team to achieve your goals.

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 Alytx uses objective data to empowers your care team to support your health and recovery goals and ensures the investment in your care is working for you.

  • Raise the standard of care by visualizing progress toward your specific goals.
  • Track your symptoms (pain, fatigue, anxiety) to inform care decisions by making sure everyone on your recovery team understands your journey.your care team to support your goals.


Key Metrix uses Alytx to empower

Home and Community Care

Provide PSW supports 24 hours a day, 365 days a year virtually or in person


Personal Support

Specialized training with mental health and de-escalation techniques

Supported Independent Living

Flexible Housing Supports to Meet Complex Needs

Harness the Power of Objective Data

Alytx empowers your treatment team and care partners to follow your progress. This powerful software collects daily care data, producing key reports for client care, recovery progress and care goals.

1. A unique custom dashboard

The technology empowers caregivers to input optimum care and recovery strategies. Once entered the custom dashboard tracks and reports on daily activity. The dynamic data transforms care by providing objective insights for ongoing care strategies.

2. Real-time information

Every activity is time and GPS stamped, tracking every activity. Care-givers track their activity on a secure app, the technology uses validity measures to produce accurate, real-time reports.

3. Visualized Care Reports

Progress insights drawn from data entered is displayed clearly in visual graphs and charts, helping family, care team and the legal team to understand ongoing care and progress at a glance.

4. Capture Care Trends

Track recovery by using objective evidence of needs based on multiple care points gathered over time to inform treatment decisions.

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Ask your Alytx client services provider how they can support you today

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Data is visualized, helping you understand your progress at a glance. More than that, because it is designed for you, insurers approve claims quickly

Reports of activity are accurate and based on real-time data

Your unique program is set up for you, making sure every care provider understands your goals, framework of activities and interventions. Everything is based on your most current needs

Your team is made up of several care providers, Alytx keeps the whole team on the same page, providing real-time updates based on your daily needs.